This photograph of Whitney, Nebraska is one of the earliest we've ever seen – likely taken just before the end of the 19th century. It was among a small collection of photos belonging to Marie (Miller) Derrick.
We've added a higher resolution version of this photograph to our Whitney Reflections Gallery, along with several other new images. The one above was captured, we believe, between about 1890 and 1900. Both the Whitney School and Warring Methodist-Episcopal Church were built in the late 1880s and can be seen in the background at the upper right.
Although we've had these photos for many years, this one – along with a couple of dozen other images – we've only recently begun sorting through them and examining them more closely. It's an eclectic collection with a few family pictures, and it includes many taken in Whitney and the surrounding area during the Blizzard of 1949
Not all of these "new" photos have captions, and in many instances the captions are a bit terse. Full captions will be "coming soon." We hope you find time to visit the gallery!